Seasons change… and so do we. Wanna know something?
These last two years, I’ve been exploring what it means to be bold & unapologetic. In what I’m called to do AND in my identity.
As I look back, it’s been wild to see how God was working. Because the “old me” didn’t think she’d get to where I am today. Why? Simply put: that girl was living in fear. Settling for less than she should. Afraid to be bold and say YES to enter into a calling. Believing the lies of the past. Wondering if she’d ever be worthy…
Thankfully, Jesus stepped in (just like He always does). 2 Timothy 4:17 reads, “But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the people might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth”.
Grace has brought about so much change: from who I was to who I am. And even with who I’m becoming… God continues to replace the feelings of inadequacy with a spirit of COURAGE to share about Him.
What about you, sis? How has the Lord been growing you this season?