Courageous Girls, Bold Hearts: The Book of Esther Pt. 2

Courage (n.) The choice to confront difficulty, uncertainty, fear.

Do you have any COURAGEOUS women in your life? Someone who radiates with confidence & doesn’t allow self-doubt to get in her way? A friend you’d describe as “bold”?

If you’re lucky, there’s probably a handful. I could list several women who have deeply inspired me with their faith and all that they’ve overcome. Each story is as beautiful & unique as the next.

These ladies have endured various trials, seasons, & struggles. But the common denominator? Courage. 

Brené Brown says… “Courage is contagious. Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little better and the world a little braver”. I couldn’t agree more. Speaking of courageous girls… let’s take another look at Esther. (If you didn’t read my first post introducing her story, check it out here.)

In the book of Esther, we see our heroine faced with a difficult choice. Amidst a threat to her people, Esther must either be bold & speak-up… or remain silent and allow fear to overtake her.  

As she struggles with the weight of her decision, she is reminded that God has brought her into her royal position “for such a time as this(Esther 4:14). She has been offered a lead role in His epic drama. And although Esther could easily turn away from her responsibility and let someone else do the job… she says “yes”. She chooses courage! The Lord uses her—a foreign village girl—to save an entire nation.

God is the ultimate hero of this story, but Esther’s bravery is still worthy of our attention. She is a compelling example of how God calls us to live courageously. 

Just like in the book of Esther, we encounter various situations that require courage. Starting some hard conversations, accepting that new job, leaving a toxic relationship… the list goes on. These things test our faith. And sometimes we must risk our selfish desires & comfortability in order to experience what God has in store. 

Just like in the book of Esther, we encounter various situations that require courage… And sometimes we must risk our selfish desires & comfortability in order to experience what God has in store. 

You will be placed in those “for such a time as this” moments… moments that could change your life, open doors, & push you forward into something more than what was before.

So don’t miss out, sis. Be COURAGEOUS.

Again, I encourage you to take some time to read & reflect on the book of Esther. And as you do, ask God… is there an area of my life right now in which I’m being called to have courage?

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“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Esther 4:14

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